Friday, November 25, 2011

How a Rich Mind Thinks And How a Poor Mind Doesn't

!9# How a Rich Mind Thinks And How a Poor Mind Doesn't

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There's a one single key difference between a rich person and a poor person - and that key difference is the mind. The mind holds the key to unlock your dreams, your desires, and your goals. It's the key that will unlock the life you dream of and put everything you desire into your hands.

The way that you think effects on you on many different levels. It determines your income, your emotional well-being, and your health. Ancient sayings and proverbs of wisdom detail the power of the mind to influence all aspects of a man or woman's life and it holds as true today as it did then.

If you dwell on the negative and think about negative things, your entire world aligns to the negative. That's right. Your negative thought patterns literally pattern your life negatively. The negative mind is paralyzed with fear, apathy, and blame.

Do you spend your time thinking bitterly about how unfair life is? Are you angry that you work so hard and nobody recognizes that? Nobody respects you or pays attention to you, and you're certainly not seeing any financial gain... These kinds of thought are poison to your mind! You are literally giving away your power over your own life. Instead you stew in bitterness and anger. You've decided everything is somebody else's fault. You think you're not going to to get anywhere, and you think it doesn't matter how hard you try.

Those thoughts are an outright lie. They're also an excuse. Stop making excuses to sit around and do nothing! Stop making excuses to be a failure! So many people get so comfortable with their whining and complaining that they really don't want to go for their goals. They don't really want to change. Their minds are full of bitterness, complaints, and proof that the world hates them.

You must change these common thought patterns if you're going to see success. The rich mind is not dwelling on bitter thoughts. It's not blaming others. And it's not sitting around, content to complain!

Don't sit and think "I can't afford that" or "I'll never make enough money for that." Or worse "I work hard but nobody cares, my boss will never give me a raise. I can forget getting what I want." You need to think like a rich person would think. Say to yourself "how can I afford to get that?" "What can I do to create the income I need to get that?"

Do you see the fundamental difference between these two styles of thinking? Stop thinking that you can't change! You can, because you can do anything you want to. Think to yourself "how can I get that, how can I do that, what resources can I use to get what I want?" Think about the action you can take to meet the challenge - and win. Think about challenges as a way to grow stronger, to be ready for anything and everything. Your positive mindset is powerful. The positive mind is a rich mind, ready to take action and achieve everything you desire.

How a Rich Mind Thinks And How a Poor Mind Doesn't

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